|   3PL

About Company

Economic Freight Carriers ltd is an end-to-end 3PL Warehousing & Logistics company

Offering supply chain solution including multi modal transportations, door deliveries, along with superior warehousing and primary & secondary distribution services.
We handle complete end-to-end logistics operations for our clients from Transporting the Goods from Source to our Warehouse, Inwarding the Goods, Quality Check, Storage, Dispatch, Reporting and End Customer Delivery Transportation.

We currently have multiple warehouses in delhi ,mumbai and jaipur which spread over 30,000 sq ft. we provide complete warehousing solution from inventory management,inward of goods, order dispatches, distribution and end door delivery.

Services We Provide

On Demand Warehousing Service
Kitting packing and other customzed operation
Distribution and Other reverse Logistics operation

Scalable & Flexible Solution

Unlike most 3pl logistics companies, EFC believes in Pay-as-you-go for the warehouse space used which can be scaled as your requirement increases. Multi-User & Shared Warehousing Facility

Multi-User & Shared Warehousing Facility

Our warehouses have shared resources and manpower, helping reduce your inventory storage & logistics cost

Experienced Operations Team

Our Team has experience handling inventory and taking care of end-to-end logistics for e commerce FMCG, Chemical and Adhesives, Retail and Import and Export Companies.

Why 3PL
  • efficient logistics can cut down expenses
  • one of the fastest growing sectors, globally
  • reduce investment through a buy not build approach
  • standardized system and Consistent processes across network
  • reduce fixed costs through variable storage and resource deployment